Nomaadi is a company that sells high-quality leather bags online. However, many customers were hesitant to buy their products without seeing and touching them in person. Nomaadi wanted to give their customers a personal and satisfying shopping experience, but they also needed to scale their business and reach customers around the world.
Nomaadi had tried using a live chat solution for customer service, but it was not enough. The solution was limited by the availability and capacity of the human agents. Nomaadi needed a solution that could offer personalized and consistent service 24x7, and handle a large volume of customers.
Nomaadi partnered with IntelliAssist, a chatbot that can handle both pre- and post-purchase questions. IntelliAssist helped Nomaadi in three main ways:
Nomaadi achieved its founder’s vision of a company driven by excellent customer service, thanks to IntelliAssist. IntelliAssist works around the clock to provide customers with personalized and relevant product recommendations, easing their doubts and fears about buying online.
As a result, Nomaadi’s human customer support agents were freed from answering basic and repetitive questions, and could focus on improving the experience for existing customers. The personalized recommendations also increased customer trust and loyalty, and boosted Nomaadi’s conversion rates by 15% and average order value (AOV) by 10%.